Getting profits in trade in the foreign exchange market is not a very tough thing to do. Rather when you have 50/50 chances of winning or losing, in forex trading it is usually a favorable opportunity mostly. Though after gaining the profits it is a task to maintain it. You must have experienced that as soon as you got a big win, in the next trade you lost all of it again and sometimes you even lose more than what you were able to earn. It is a very frustrating thing and thus it is the time to end it for good. Go through this article and in just 3 steps you will be able to lock your earned profits and move ahead in your journey to be a successful trader. Step 1: Track Your Trading Records After winning trade, the first thing that any trader should do is to keep a record of their trading session. You may do it the old school way by using a paper and pen, or do it on your laptop on a spreadsheet, the choice is completely yours, but it is very important to develop this...
Hafizzat Rusli offered services to learn trade with confidence by focusing on both the technical and fundamental aspects of trading.